Industrial Estate in Indonesia

Industrial Estate in Indonesia

Industrial Estate in Indonesia 150 150 gina cnm

Since decades ago, the government has been trying to make the industrial sector one of the sectors that play a major role in the growth of the national economy. This is of course not easy because Indonesia itself was actually known in the past as an agrarian country where the economy depended a lot on the agricultural sector. To support the growth of the industrial sector, it must be supported by the existence of an Industrial Estate in Indonesia.

Industrial estate is an area specifically used for industrial activities, which consists of a number of facilities and supporting infrastructure. The existence of industrial estates aims to increase industrial efficiency and productivity as well as facilitate the process of industrial regulation and supervision by the government. Its existence has an important role in the development and strengthening of industry in Indonesia.

Even though its existence plays an important role in supporting the industrial sector and improving the national economy, Industrial Estate in Indonesia must pay attention to the surrounding community, especially in terms of pollution, noise from production activities and environmental impacts and congestion around industrial areas. The development of Industrial Estate in Indonesia has experienced rapid growth in recent years.

There are lots of Industrial Estate in Indonesia which consist of many factories and manufactures as well as complete supporting facilities. This is of course to facilitate activities in production and industrial activities in the area. . Several areas known as Industrial Estates in Indonesia include Batam, Bekasi, Cikarang, Karawang and many more that are currently being developed.

Most of the Industrial Estate in Indonesia are currently located on the island of Java, although in recent years the government has been increasingly aggressive in building and developing Industrial Estates in various regions, especially in the eastern part of Indonesia to encourage equitable distribution of development and national economic growth.

One of the Industrial Estate in Indonesia that has continued to experience quite rapid development in recent years is Jatiluhur Industrial Smart City (JISC). The area developed by PT. Multi Optimal Sentosa. JISC in Purwakarta Regency, West Java does not only function as an industrial area but is also being developed as a modern smart city equipped with a number of complete facilities for its residents.

JISC itself has a number of special areas that have been designed and adapted from the start to the needs and functions required by the industrial sector. The special areas in question are industrial, residential and commercial areas with a total land area of 1,200 hectares. One of the advantages of the JISC area as an Industrial Estate in Indonesia is the ease of connectivity access to transportation.

The location of JISC is connected with access to two main highways which is located almost in the middle between the two Jakarta and Bandung and close to the border of Central Java province. This makes JISC one of the Industrial Estate in Indonesiawhich is a favorite of many investors and industry players. In fact, JISC has been considered a profitable investment by most players in the national industrial sector.