Jatiluhur Industrial Smart City

Jatiluhur Industrial Smart City

Jatiluhur Industrial Smart City 150 150 admin2 cnm

The industrial sector has long been known as an important economic backbone in many countries, including Indonesia. Even today a country is called a developed country if it has a strong industrial sector. Industrial estates have an important role in the development of the industrial sector in Indonesia. The existence of industrial estates aims to increase industrial efficiency and productivity as well as facilitate the process of industrial regulation and supervision by the government. One of the best industrial areas in Indonesia is Jatiluhur Industrial Smart City.

Jatiluhur Industrial Smart City is one that has developed rapidly in recent years. This industrial area is located in an area that has long been known as an industrial center in Indonesia, namely Purwakarta Regency, West Java. A number of large-scale national industry players have also chosen to build and develop their industries in this region.

The Industrial Estate itself actually has a number of main functions. The main function of the first industrial area is to help increase industrial efficiency and productivity. The second function is to help increase the competitiveness of the national industry with other industries. Furthermore, the industrial area also functions to help increase the availability of jobs and assist efforts to develop local businesses around the industrial area.

Jatiluhur Industrial Smart City was specially designed and developed by PT. MultiOptimal Sentosa. This company has been established since 2010 and is part of a subsidiary of one of the leading manufacturers of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) in Indonesia. From the start, this area was developed with the aim of becoming the most integrated model of industrial and logistics center in Indonesia. This area also pays great attention to efforts to improve smart life and is integrated in a modern smart city scheme and is supported by modern and complete supporting facilities and amenities.

According to the initial plan, Jatiluhur Industrial Smart City has a number of special areas that suit the needs of residents in an integrated industrial area. These areas are industrial area, residential area and commercial area. Each of these areas has a different function. Jatiluhur Industrial Smart City‘s total land area reaches approximately 1,200 hectares. Interestingly, around 900 hectares of the total land area is part of the industrial area, while the remaining 300 hectares are commercial areas and residential areas that have active economic activities.

Among industry players, Jatiluhur Industrial Smart City is known for always trying to present various innovations and new breakthroughs in the effort to develop industrial area facilities and smart cities that are integrated, modern and environmentally friendly. This is none other than a real effort to contribute to Indonesia’s national economic growth. Jatiluhur Industrial Smart City also always tries to provide positive benefits to all parties involved in it, especially the community and the environment around the industrial area.